It is no surprise that many Canadians have chosen to become security guards in order to help preserve the lives of others. Individuals who undertake this line of work may experience a lot of satisfaction. Despite the fact that protection jobs come with a whole lot of benefits, they can still be risky. How can security guards stay healthy and safe while on the job? Security guards and their managers can take a number of precautions to make their working environment as safe as possible. Here are our top security patrol safety tips:

1) Always carry your defensive gear
No matter how mundane a patrol beat appears, you never know when everything will go wrong. It's crucial to always be prepared with your defensive equipment in order to safeguard your guards against the unexpected. If your guards are allowed to/required to carry a weapon, make certain it is safely equipped. When they are not permitted to carry a weapon while working, be sure you have other important tools. A flashlight, radio, pepper spray, and a club are among the items you should always have
2) Keep a safe distance from suspects:
It is risky to speak to a potential suspect during an interview, so all guards on security patrol should maintain arm’s length from people. If a suspect attempts to assault someone, a guard will be ready to react.
3) Patrol your beat at random intervals
The worst thing you can do in law enforcement is to be predictable. Predictable behavior allows criminals to plot against your patrols or even harm you. In order to prevent criminals from tracking your guards, alter the time between visits to checkpoints. This will make it more difficult for criminals to operate.
4) Vary your route
An unpredictable route keeps security guards off balance and makes it harder for criminals to anticipate their movements. In spite of the fact that doing so makes their route predictable, guards often follow the same path to their checkpoints. By taking a variety of routes, you can make the guard’s movements more challenging to forecast and, therefore, harder to outsmart or endanger. You may also consider reversing their route from time to time.
5) Stop, look and listen
It's crucial to remember that a guard on security patrol is always vulnerable to unexpected occurrences. While on patrol, make sure to periodically stop, look around, and listen for clues. These pauses will enhance detail-oriented attention. It may also help you to identify people who are trying to sneak around the premises.
6) Know emergency procedures
Do your guards know how to handle a critical injury if one occurs? Do they know what to do in the event of an earthquake or fire? Having a procedure to follow when dealing with tough situations may help speed up responses. This might save a life.
7) Know your limits
Security guards will often do everything they can to protect others. It’s the nature of the job. Still, some events require specialized assistance. For example, a terrorist event may require unique forces. A bombing incident might require bomb squads to be eliminated. While you might be tempted to act like a hero in various scenarios, your guards aren't always trained to do so. Always keep personal security and that of others in mind, even if they aren't trained to handle certain situations. When dealing with special cases, always defer to the party that's most likely to handle the situation.